Monday, May 7, 2012

My dog, Dali is turning sixteen and we were thinking about what we were going to do for her.. My mom thought we could make a little cheeseburger with a 16 on it with ketchup. I love my dog!     Emma
I hope Ms. Pupillo is having fun. I know she will get a great job. I hope she will come and vist us soon.
I like my class. I like my class because they are nice.  I have a lot of friends in my class.         Jacob
I was in the 2012 varitey show. It was fun. Our song was U Can't Touch This. By MC Hammer.    Hunter
On May 6 I went to the flea market and I got  a hat, cards and a cup for mother's day.        Ben
My baseball team is the Lumberjacks.  Jake and lots of other Kennery kids are on the team. We are 1-3, but it is just the beginning of the season.                    Curtis
I hope Ms. Pupillo comes back on the last day of school! I miss her!          Lauren
I miss Ms. Pupillo very much.  I'm glad she is going to graduate. We all miss her very much.    Kayla
It was fun having a student teacher.   Sam
I have a new baby sister.Her name is Mary.She was born on May 4,2012.She will be home on Tuesday.
I like the variety show.  It is fun.  I like the costumes and MC HAMR Dance,        Sydney
I am in Girls On The Run. Its so fun, My uncle will be runing the 5K race with me.  The race is this Saturday May 12th.  Today we are deciding what our community service will be.            Lily
This weekend I'm going to a tournament for hockey with my friend in Chicago.           Jake
I went to Tyler's birthday party. We went bowling. There was an arcade. It was fun.         John
Earlier in the year we did an indian project in social studies.We did some reaserch and we put it in a power point. It was really fun.     Riley
I want to play strings in fourth grade.          Kendal
I  have a baseball game this Wednesday.      Tyler
I love doing poetry at school.         Ali
At the 50 th celebration on Saturday I put Mrs.Oberkirsch in jail for robbing a Teacher store.Austin Driver bailed her out.      Roman
The dentist took out one of my mollers and it really hurt.  It had an infection.      Arselon

Friday, May 4, 2012

We had our celebration and party for Ms. Pupillo's last day.  She graduates next weekend, and we wish her all the best.  She did a great job.  She is going to keep in touch so I will let you know when I do.  She will try to get back to see the students before school is out, but she is also in a wedding the following weekend, so we will have to see.  The student's had a great time surprising her today, and were very sad to see her go.  So am I.  We worked really well together, and I will miss having her here.  Enjoy the photos.

Monday, April 30, 2012

The character word for the month of March was "Patience".  Two students were chosen from each classroom who exemplify that character trait.  Congrats Lily and Thomas.
Oops!  There is one that is a video that doesn't work that I accidentally posted.  Please ignore.

Here are some pictures of some of the students in the class who portrayed teachers at Kennerly.  It was pretty cute!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Metamo4ic Field Trip

Metamo4ic - in school field trip.  The students participated in many math games and activities.  Following are some pictures from the field trip.